Hey Josh: I'm so glad that you are creating a blog, seeing how you've wanted to for a while. I hope you enjoy the experience.
I know getting started can be a challenge so I want to give you some specific feedback for what we are looking for. For full credit, see the rubric in the syllabus for blogs, webquests, etc. I've pasted them below in the blog rubric so you do not miss them. For the third criterion, please reflect on the "guiding questions" from the syllabus. We're putting a tentative grade on this until you can fully answer the questions. Shoot us an email to let us know when you are finished. Let us know if you have any questions.
Cows (isn't that pitiful?)
Until you can creatively address criteria for blogs--33%. Don't freak...just complete this part and you'll be on your way! :)
Blog is posted on time-3
Blog is readable and clear-1
Blog reflects upon all guiding
questions : 0
1. Develop a concept map, which outlines the big ideas addressed in this webquest along with the fundamental concepts, which students should have as prior knowledge.
2. What SC standards (science, math, or otherwise) are related to the teachings/activities in the webquest?
3. Using your support documents for these standards, what is essential for students to understand?
4. How can the materials/information be used to help students develop their essential understandings? How can you modify the information or lesson to address the development of these understandings?
5. What key misconceptions commonly inhibit a clear and accurate understanding of this content? How should you modify your instruction to address these misconceptions?
6. What new scientific information did you learn in this lesson?
7. What questions do you still have? (Write at least two and answer them with the resources and links provided.)
8. What new instructional practice did you learn? Describe how you can use this in the classroom.
Blog is thoughtful and creative-0
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